Flutter Example – How do I load an image from a URL in Flutter?

Displaying images from network sources is a crucial feature in Flutter app development. This tutorial offers a comprehensive guide on accomplishing this, along with displaying a loading indicator during the image loading process. Utilizing Flutter’s Image.network method allows seamless integration of images by simply providing the image URL, with options for customization. Additionally, the Transparent Image plugin simplifies displaying loading icons for a better user experience. With detailed tables outlining the supported optional arguments for both Image.network and FadeInImage.memoryNetwork, developers can efficiently customize image displays in their Flutter applications. Let’s delve into the essential aspects of network image display in Flutter.

Displaying Image from Network in Flutter

Displaying images from network sources is a fundamental aspect of many Flutter applications. This tutorial provides a basic example of how to accomplish this task, including displaying a loading icon while waiting for the image to fully load.

How do I load an image from a URL in Flutter?

Displaying Image from Network

Displaying an image from a network source is straightforward in Flutter. Utilizing Flutter’s built-in Image.network method, you can simply provide the URL of the image as an argument. Additionally, optional arguments can be passed to customize the image display.

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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Welcome to Flutter',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Flutter Display Image Tutorial'),
        body: Center(
          child: Image.network(
            height: 100,
            width: 150,

Below is a table listing the supported optional arguments for Image.network in Flutter:

semanticLabelstringSemantic description of the image.
excludeFromSemanticsboolWhether to exclude the image from semantics.
scaledoubleHow much the image is scaled.
widthdoubleWidth of the image.
heightdoubleHeight of the image.
colorColorIf not null, blends each image pixel with the color, depending on colorBlendMode.
colorBlendModeenum BlendModeHow the color is blended with the image.
fitenum BoxFitHow to inscribe the image into the space allocated during layout.
alignmentclass AlignmentGeometryHow to align the image within its bounds.
repeatenum ImageRepeatHow to paint any portions of the layout bounds not covered by the image.
centerSliceenum RectThe center slice for a nine-patch image.
matchTextDirectionboolWhether to paint the image in the direction of the TextDirection.
gaplessPlaybackboolIf true, briefly shows the old image when the image provider changes; if false, briefly shows nothing.
packageStringThe package name of the image.
filterQualityenum FilterQualityQuality of the image filter. Options: none, low, medium, high.

These arguments provide various customization options for displaying images fetched from network sources in a Flutter application.

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Showing Loading

Fetching an image from a network source typically involves a short delay before the image is fully loaded. To provide a better user experience, it’s beneficial to display a loading icon during this process. The Transparent Image plugin simplifies this task. Begin by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file.

  transparent_image: ^0.1.0
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:transparent_image/transparent_image.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Welcome to Flutter',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Flutter Display Image Tutorial'),
        body: Stack(
          children: [
            Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
              child: FadeInImage.memoryNetwork(
                placeholder: kTransparentImage,
                image: 'https://flutter.io/images/catalog-widget-placeholder.png',

Below is a table listing the supported arguments of FadeInImage.memoryNetwork from the transparent_image version 0.1.0:

@required placeholderUint8ListImageProvider displayed while the target image is loading.
@required imageStringImageProvider: The image to be displayed.
placeholderScaledoubleScale of the placeholder.
imageScaledoubleScale of the image.
fadeOutDurationDurationThe duration of the fade-out animation.
fadeOutCurveCurveThe curve of the fade-out animation.
fadeInDurationDurationThe duration of the fade-in animation.
fadeInCurveCurveThe curve of the fade-in animation.
widthdoubleThe image width.
heightdoubleThe image height.
fitenum BoxFitHow to inscribe the image into the space allocated during layout.
alignmentAlignmentGeometryDefault: Alignment.center. How to align the image within its bounds.
repeatenum ImageRepeatDefault: ImageRepeat.noRepeat. How to paint any portions of the layout bounds not covered by the image.

These arguments provide customization options for displaying images fetched from network sources with a fade-in effect in a Flutter application using the FadeInImage.memoryNetwork widget from the transparent_image package.

That’s how you can display an image using a URL in Flutter. For further reading, check out our post on how to display images from assets in Flutter.

Displaying images sourced from the internet is pivotal in modern Flutter applications, enriching user interfaces and conveying information effectively. This tutorial serves as a foundational resource for developers seeking to integrate network images seamlessly into their Flutter projects. The provided code examples showcase the simplicity of using Flutter’s built-in Image.network method, emphasizing its versatility in accommodating various optional arguments for tailored image displays. With parameters like semanticLabel, width, height, and fit, developers can enhance accessibility and ensure images fit harmoniously within their app layouts.

Furthermore, the tutorial explores the importance of user experience during image loading periods. Introducing the Transparent Image plugin addresses this concern by enabling the display of loading indicators. By incorporating FadeInImage.memoryNetwork, developers can seamlessly transition from placeholders to fully loaded images, enriching user interactions and providing visual feedback.

The detailed tables listing supported arguments for both Image.network and FadeInImage.memoryNetwork from the transparent_image package offer invaluable reference points for developers. These tables clarify the purpose and usage of each argument, empowering developers to make informed decisions regarding image customization in their applications.

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By empowering developers with the knowledge and tools necessary for efficient image handling, this tutorial fosters the creation of visually compelling and user-friendly Flutter applications. Whether displaying dynamic content or enhancing user profiles with profile pictures, mastering network image integration is essential for delivering immersive user experiences.

In conclusion, this tutorial serves as a comprehensive guide for developers embarking on Flutter app development journeys. By exploring network image display techniques and best practices, developers can leverage Flutter’s capabilities to create visually stunning and engaging applications. With the provided examples and explanations, developers are equipped to tackle various image-related challenges and deliver seamless user experiences in their Flutter projects.


1. How can I display images from network sources in my Flutter application?

To display images from network sources in Flutter, you can utilize the Image.network method provided by Flutter’s framework. Simply provide the URL of the image as an argument to this method, and the image will be displayed.

2. Can I customize the display of network images in Flutter?

Yes, Flutter provides various optional arguments that allow customization of network image displays. These arguments include options for adjusting the image’s size, alignment, color blending, and more.

3. Why is it important to show a loading indicator while fetching network images?

Displaying a loading indicator provides feedback to the user that content is being loaded, improving the user experience. This helps manage user expectations and prevents confusion during image loading periods.

4. How can I display a loading indicator while fetching network images in Flutter?

To display a loading indicator, you can use the CircularProgressIndicator widget provided by Flutter. You can place this widget in your UI alongside the Image.network widget to show a loading indicator while the image is being fetched.

5. What is the Transparent Image plugin, and how does it help with displaying network images?

The Transparent Image plugin simplifies the process of displaying loading indicators for network images in Flutter. By adding the plugin to your project, you can easily incorporate loading indicators into your UI while network images are being fetched.

6. Are there any additional customization options for displaying network images in Flutter?

Yes, besides the Image.network method, you can also use the FadeInImage.memoryNetwork widget provided by the transparent_image package. This widget allows you to display network images with a fade-in effect, providing a smoother transition when the image is loaded.

7. How can I adjust the loading animation duration and curve when using FadeInImage.memoryNetwork?

You can customize the loading animation duration and curve by providing values for the fadeOutDuration, fadeOutCurve, fadeInDuration, and fadeInCurve arguments of the FadeInImage.memoryNetwork widget.

8. What should I do if I encounter issues with displaying network images in my Flutter application?

If you encounter any issues with displaying network images, you can refer to Flutter’s documentation, community forums, or reach out to fellow developers for assistance. Additionally, double-checking network connectivity and URL correctness may help resolve image display issues.

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