What is new in Flutter 3.16

What is new in Flutter 3.16, The latest Flutter stable release, version 3.16, marks another significant milestone for the popular framework. This release introduces Material 3 as the default theme, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of applications. A notable addition is the preview of Impeller for Android, which is set to bring substantial performance improvements.

Developers will appreciate the new capability to add extensions for DevTools, expanding the framework’s flexibility and usability. This update is not just about technical enhancements; it also aligns with major updates to the Flutter Casual Games Toolkit, opening new avenues for game developers.

The Flutter community’s commitment and collaborative spirit are evident in this release. Over the past three months, an impressive 928 pull requests have been merged, thanks to the efforts of 145 community contributors. Remarkably, 40 of these contributors made their first commit to Flutter, showcasing the growing and diverse talent pool contributing to the framework’s evolution.

This release is packed with new features and improvements, a testament to the vibrant and active Flutter community. It’s an exciting time for developers and users alike, as Flutter continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in app development.

Table of Contents

Flutter 3.16: Embracing Material 3 as the Default

Introduction to Material 3

Flutter’s 3.16 release heralds a significant shift in its design aesthetics with the integration of Material 3 as the default theme. This update, initially introduced in Flutter 3.10 back in May 2023, brings the framework in line with the latest Material Design specifications. This transition introduces new components, themes, and a refreshed look for existing components.

What is new in Flutter 3.16

Transition from Material 2 to Material 3

Previously, adopting Material 3’s enhancements required opting in using the useMaterial3 theme flag. However, with the 3.16 release, useMaterial3 is now enabled by default (Flutter Issue #130764). Developers can still opt for the older Material 2 by setting useMaterial3: false, but it’s important to note that Material 2 is on the path to deprecation.

The shift to Material 3 might initially result in some visual inconsistencies in your UI. To address this, it’s recommended to transition to the new widget implementations, like NavigationBar. For comprehensive guidance, refer to the Material 3 umbrella issue on GitHub.

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Exploring Material 3 with a Demo Application

To familiarize yourself with the new components, Flutter provides a demo application. This app is particularly useful as it allows toggling between Material 2 and 3, enabling a direct comparison of the changes.

Customizing Material 3 Appearance

The look of Material 3 components is largely defined by [ThemeData.colorScheme] and [ThemeData.textTheme]. To create a Material 3 color scheme, ColorScheme.fromSeed() is recommended. This method ensures that the generated schemes are not only visually appealing but also meet accessibility contrast requirements. Another interesting feature is ColorScheme.fromImageProvider, which allows color schemes to be derived from dominant colors in an image. For further customization, component themes like ThemeData.segmentedButtonTheme or ThemeData.snackBarTheme can be added to ThemeData, where non-null properties will override default settings detailed in the component’s API documentation.

Enhanced Material 3 Motion Support

Introducing Easing and Durations Classes

The latest Flutter release takes a significant leap in enhancing Material 3 motion, introducing the Easing and Durations classes. These additions are designed to provide more fluid and responsive animations, aligning with the evolving Material Design standards.

Phasing Out Material 2 Curves

In an effort to streamline and update its animation offerings, Flutter has renamed Material 2 curves to include the term “legacy.” This change signals the upcoming deprecation and eventual removal of these legacy curves (Flutter Issue #129942), encouraging developers to transition to the newer Material 3 standards for a more modern UI experience.

Expanded Edit Menu Options on iOS

Enhanced Text Selection and Sharing

Flutter’s new update significantly improves user interaction on native iOS platforms. Now, when users select text, they can access an expanded share menu offering standard services. This enhancement includes the addition of ‘look up,’ ‘search,’ and ‘share’ options, broadening the scope of user actions and integrations directly from the text selection interface. This feature aims to enhance user experience by providing more functionality and convenience in text interactions.

What is new in Flutter 3.16

Introducing TextScaler for Enhanced Accessibility

Global Text Scale Factor with TextScaler
Flutter’s commitment to accessibility takes a leap forward with the introduction of the TextScaler class. Designed to support the non-linear font scaling feature of Android 14, TextScaler is a welcome addition for users who are visually impaired. This new class supersedes the previously used Text.textScaleFactor property, making it easier to implement a global text scale factor across applications (Flutter Issue #128522).

SelectionArea Updates for Improved User Interaction

Enhanced Gesture Support

The SelectionArea widget in Flutter has been updated to more intuitively support native gestures. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for devices with different input methods, like touchscreens and mice.

  1. Single Click Interaction: A single click now sets a collapsed selection at the clicked position, streamlining text selection processes.
  2. Double Click for Word Selection: A double click selects the entire word at the clicked position, making text editing more efficient.
  3. Double Click and Drag for Extended Selection: Users can now double click and drag to extend their selection in word blocks, allowing for more precise and flexible text manipulation.

These updates to SelectionArea and SelectableRegion underline Flutter’s ongoing efforts to refine user experience across various devices and input methods.

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Enhanced Focus Management in Menu Items

Improved Focus Handling with FocusManager

Flutter 3.16 introduces an improved focus management system. The FocusManager‘s applyFocusChangesIfNeeded function now efficiently manages focus changes when using menu items. When a user interacts with a menu item, the focus is seamlessly returned to the item that was in focus before the menu was opened, enhancing the user experience and interaction flow (Flutter Issue #130536).

Advanced Gesture Support in SelectionArea

Refined Gesture Interactions

The SelectionArea widget in Flutter has been updated to support a variety of native gestures, further refining user interaction on different devices:

  1. Single Click: Sets a collapsed selection at the clicked position.
  2. Double Click: Selects the word at the clicked position.
  3. Double Click and Drag: Extends the selection in word blocks.

These gestures, available by default in SelectionArea and SelectableRegion, offer an intuitive and efficient way to interact with text using a mouse or touch inputs.

Engine Improvements: Impeller and Performance

Impeller Preview on Android

The latest release includes a preview of Impeller on Android, ready for feedback on the stable channel. The focus has been on developing a Vulkan backend for Impeller, and the team is now seeking feedback on its performance on Vulkan-capable devices. Note that Impeller may not perform as expected on devices without Vulkan support. Flutter developers can experiment with Impeller on Vulkan-capable Android devices by using specific flags in the flutter run command or by setting it in the AndroidManifest.xml (Impeller Vulkan Support Details).

Engine Performance Enhancements

The Flutter team has worked on optimizing engine performance, particularly on mobile devices with heterogeneous multiprocessing. Improvements in thread management and core affinity have resulted in noticeably smoother experiences, especially on Android. The impact on iOS devices is less dramatic due to the smaller performance difference between their core types.

API and Fidelity Improvements with Impeller

Several API and fidelity improvements accompany this release, including:

  • A corrected display of Flutter’s performance overlay with Impeller enabled.
  • The automatic enabling of dithering to prevent banding issues.
What is new in Flutter 3.16

Flutter Games Toolkit and Web Updates

Flutter Games Toolkit Enhancements

Flutter’s Casual Games Toolkit receives a major update, offering new resources, templates, and integrations for game developers. This toolkit aids in moving from concept to launch, featuring genre-specific templates and service integrations like Play Games Services and in-app purchases (Games Toolkit Details).

Flutter Timeline Events on Chrome DevTools

Flutter Timeline events are now integrated into the performance panel of Chrome DevTools, improving debugging capabilities for web applications.

Platform-Specific Features: Android and iOS

Android Enhancements

  • Mouse Scroll Wheel Support: Improvements in mouse scroll wheel responsiveness on tablets and foldables.
  • Predictive Back Navigation: Incorporating Android 14’s predictive back gesture feature into Flutter.

iOS App Extensions Support
Flutter now supports the development of certain iOS app extensions, allowing developers to utilize Flutter widgets for extension UIs. This feature, however, is not universal due to potential API limitations or memory constraints (iOS App Extensions Documentation).

DevTools and Package Ecosystem

DevTools Extensions Framework

The new DevTools extensions framework enables package authors to build custom tools and leverage existing DevTools frameworks, enhancing debugging and app analysis capabilities.

Package Ecosystem Developments

The Flutter Favorite program has been rebooted, recognizing several new packages as Flutter Favorites. Additionally, a virtual summit was held to foster collaboration among pub.dev contributors.

Conclusion and Upgrade Instructions

Acknowledging Community Contributions

Flutter 3.16’s success is attributed to the extensive contributions from the Flutter community. The community’s engagement and contributions have been instrumental in shaping Flutter into a productive and delightful toolkit.

Upgrading to Flutter 3.16

Flutter 3.16, including Dart 3.2, is available on the stable channel. To start using the latest updates, simply run flutter upgrade.

For a comprehensive list of changes and PRs included in this release, refer to the Flutter 3.16 release notes and changelog.

FAQ: Flutter 3.16 Release Highlights

What are the major updates in Flutter 3.16?

  • Material 3 Integration: Material 3 is now the default theme, aligning with the latest Material Design specifications.
  • Impeller for Android: Preview of Impeller, focusing on a Vulkan backend for enhanced performance.
  • DevTools Extensions: New capabilities for adding extensions to DevTools, improving its flexibility and usability.
  • Flutter Casual Games Toolkit Updates: Significant updates providing new resources and templates for game development.

How does Material 3 enhance Flutter 3.16?

Material 3 introduces new components, themes, and updated visuals for existing components, thereby enhancing the user interface and experience in Flutter applications.

What is Impeller, and how does it impact Flutter on Android?

Impeller is a new graphical renderer with a focus on a Vulkan backend, aimed at improving performance on Android devices. It’s in preview mode for Vulkan-capable devices in Flutter 3.16.

Can I still use Material 2 in Flutter 3.16?

Yes, developers can opt for Material 2 by setting useMaterial3: false. However, it’s important to note that Material 2 will eventually be deprecated.

What are the new gesture supports in SelectionArea?

Flutter 3.16 has updated the SelectionArea widget to support single click, double click, and double click plus drag gestures for a more intuitive text interaction experience.

What is TextScaler, and why is it important?

TextScaler is a new class that replaces the Text.textScaleFactor property, designed to support non-linear font scaling in Android 14, thereby enhancing accessibility for visually impaired users.

How has Flutter 3.16 improved the engine’s performance?

Flutter 3.16 has optimized engine performance, especially for mobile devices with heterogeneous multiprocessing, resulting in smoother experiences, particularly on Android.

What updates are included in the Flutter Games Toolkit?

The toolkit has received a major update with new resources, templates, and integrations, such as Play Games Services and in-app purchases, aiding game developers from concept to launch.

How does Flutter 3.16 enhance debugging for web applications?

Flutter Timeline events are now integrated into the performance panel of Chrome DevTools, improving the debugging capabilities for web applications.

What is the new DevTools Extensions Framework?

The DevTools Extensions Framework allows package authors to build custom tools and leverage existing DevTools frameworks, enhancing debugging and app analysis capabilities.

How can I upgrade to Flutter 3.16?

To upgrade to Flutter 3.16, including Dart 3.2, run the flutter upgrade command. This version is available on the stable channel.

Where can I find a comprehensive list of changes in Flutter 3.16?

For a detailed list of changes and PRs included in this release, refer to the Flutter 3.16 release notes and changelog.

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