How to Check Flutter Version

Ensuring your Flutter development environment is up-to-date is paramount for project stability and compatibility. Checking your Flutter version is the initial step in this process. This guide explores three methods to efficiently determine your Flutter version, empowering you to maintain a smooth and productive development workflow.

How to Check Flutter Version

Maintaining your Flutter development environment up-to-date is essential for project stability, compatibility with packages, and a smooth workflow. A critical first step in this process is knowing how to check your Flutter version. Let’s explore three methods to achieve this.

How to Check Flutter Version
How to Check Flutter Version

1. The Command Line: A Straightforward Approach

The command line interface (CLI) provides the most direct way to check your Flutter version. Follow these steps:

Access Your Terminal:

Execute the Command:

Type flutter --version and press Enter.

flutter --version

Interpreting the Output:

The command will display the installed Flutter version along with details like the Dart version and the channel you’re using.

Example Output:

Flutter 3.0.4 • channel stable •
Framework • revision 0e7d70adfc (stable) • 2023-11-21 16:32:53 -0800
Engine • revision 1f76f2d2c5
Tools • Dart 2.18.4

This output indicates:

  • Flutter Version: 3.0.4
  • Channel: stable
  • Framework revision
  • Engine revision
  • Dart tools version

2. Delving Deeper with flutter doctor

While flutter --version provides a basic overview, the flutter doctor command offers a more comprehensive report.

Run the Command:

Type flutter doctor and press Enter.

flutter doctor

Understanding the Report:

The report provides information on various aspects of your environment:

  • Flutter SDK version
  • Dart SDK version
  • Dev tools
  • Android and iOS dependencies

Importance of Using the -v Flag:
For a more detailed breakdown, consider using the -v flag along with the command:

flutter doctor -v

3. Checking Project Version (Using pubspec.lock File)

If you’re working with a cloned Flutter project, you can determine the version it was created with by examining the pubspec.lock file.

Locate the pubspec.lock File:

This file resides in the project’s root directory.

Open the File:

Use a text editor to open the pubspec.lock file.

Find the Flutter Version:

Search for lines containing “flutter”. You’ll find a line specifying the exact Flutter version used during development.

Important Note: This method only reveals the version the project was built with, not necessarily the version installed on your system.

Also read:

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Information in Table format

1. The Command LineThe most straightforward approach to check your Flutter version using the command line interface.
– Access Your TerminalOpen Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS/Linux).
– Execute the CommandType flutter --version and press Enter.
– Interpreting the OutputDisplays installed Flutter version along with Dart version and channel.
2. Delving Deeper with flutter doctorUtilizes flutter doctor command for a comprehensive health report of your Flutter environment.
– Run the CommandType flutter doctor and press Enter.
– Understanding the ReportProvides detailed information on Flutter SDK version, Dart SDK version, dev tools, and dependencies.
3. Checking Project VersionDetermines the Flutter version used in a project by examining the pubspec.lock file.
– Locate the pubspec.lock FileFound in the project’s root directory.
– Open the FileUse a text editor to open pubspec.lock.
– Find the Flutter VersionSearch for lines containing “flutter” to locate the exact Flutter version used during development.

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Knowing your Flutter version is crucial for developers and businesses alike. It ensures a stable environment, facilitates problem detection, and keeps projects running smoothly. With these methods, you can quickly determine your Flutter version and proceed with your development workflow seamlessly.


How often should I check my Flutter version?

It’s recommended to check your Flutter version regularly, especially before starting a new project or updating existing ones. This ensures that you’re working with the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches provided by the Flutter team.

What if I encounter issues with my Flutter environment?

If you encounter any issues with your Flutter environment, such as compatibility problems with packages or tools, it’s advisable to first check your Flutter version using one of the methods outlined above. Once you’ve confirmed your Flutter version, you can consult Flutter’s documentation or community forums for troubleshooting guidance specific to your version.

Can I have multiple versions of Flutter installed on my system?

Yes, you can have multiple versions of Flutter installed on your system simultaneously. This can be useful for testing compatibility with different Flutter versions or maintaining older projects that require specific versions. You can manage multiple Flutter installations using Flutter SDK management tools or by manually installing each version in separate directories.

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How do I update my Flutter version?

To update your Flutter version, you can use the Flutter SDK management tool or follow the instructions provided on the Flutter website. Typically, updating Flutter involves running a command in your terminal or command prompt to fetch the latest version from the Flutter repository. After updating, it’s essential to check your Flutter version again to confirm the update was successful.

What if I need to know the Flutter version used in a specific project?

If you need to know the Flutter version used in a specific project, you can examine the pubspec.lock file located in the project’s root directory. This file contains detailed information about the dependencies, including the Flutter version used when the project was last built. Simply open the pubspec.lock file with a text editor and search for the line specifying the Flutter version to find the information you need.

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