Flutter Examples: Creating Seamless Apps with the Flutter ListTile Widget

Flutter Listtile Widget serves as a fundamental component in crafting visually appealing and functional mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. Its versatility and customization options make it an invaluable tool for developers seeking to enhance their app’s user interface and user experience.

Introduction to Flutter Listtile Widget

Flutter, an open-source mobile app development framework, empowers developers to craft high-quality, visually captivating apps for both Android and iOS platforms. Among its array of widgets, the ListTile widget stands out as one of the most valuable and versatile tools.

Flutter Examples: Creating Seamless Apps with the Flutter ListTile Widget

Understanding the ListTile Widget

The ListTile widget serves as a fundamental building block, representing a single row within a list of items. Crafting a basic ListTile necessitates utilizing the ListTile class provided by the Flutter framework, with three mandatory parameters: title, subtitle, and leading component.

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Exploring the Functionality

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the Flutter ListTile widget, uncovering its inner workings and exploring ways to leverage its potential to enhance your Flutter app’s user interface.

What Makes the Flutter ListTile Widget Unique?

The ListTile widget emerges as a versatile and potent tool within the Flutter arsenal, offering the ability to showcase information in a compact yet visually captivating manner. It finds common usage in lists, grids, and various layout designs.

Components of the ListTile Widget

Comprising optional elements such as a leading icon or image, a title, a subtitle, and a trailing icon or button, the ListTile widget provides a robust foundation for designing intuitive and engaging user interfaces.

Compact Display of Information

Central to the ListTile widget’s appeal is its capacity to present information succinctly without compromising on visual allure. This attribute renders it ideal for efficiently conveying substantial data within the confines of limited screen real estate.

Exploring Flutter ListTile Variations

The versatility of the ListTile widget in Flutter extends through various customizable variations, each tailored to specific needs. Here are some commonly utilized variations:

Simple ListTile

This basic iteration comprises a leading icon or image on the left, a central title, and an optional trailing icon or button on the right.

Switch ListTile

Integrating a switch widget to the trailing side enables effortless toggling of a boolean value.

Subtitle ListTile

In addition to the components of a simple ListTile, this variation includes a subtitle beneath the title, providing supplementary context or information.

Icon ListTile

Exclusive to icons without accompanying text, this version is ideal for showcasing symbols or logos.

Checkbox ListTile

Featuring a checkbox on the left, users can select multiple items or mark them as complete, while still incorporating titles and optional subtitles.

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Radio ListTile

Similar to the Checkbox ListTile, this variation substitutes checkboxes with radio buttons, allowing selection of only one item at a time, suitable for options or choices.

Custom ListTile

This variant offers extensive customization options, enabling integration of additional widgets such as images, buttons, or text.

Adding a ListTile in Flutter

Incorporating a ListTile in your Flutter app enriches the user interface, offering a seamless way to present rows with leading icons, titles, subtitles, and trailing widgets. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Import Material Package

Ensure the material.dart package is imported into your Flutter project to access the necessary widgets.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

Step 2: Create a ListTile Widget

Instantiate a ListTile widget within your widget’s build method, customizing its appearance as required.

  leading: Icon(Icons.list), // Leading icon on the left
  title: Text('Title'), // Main text
  subtitle: Text('Subtitle'), // Additional text below the title
  trailing: Icon(Icons.more_vert), // Trailing icon on the right

Step 3: Customize ListTile Style

Tailor the ListTile’s style by adjusting properties like tileColor, contentPadding, and shape.

  leading: Icon(Icons.list),
  title: Text('Title'),
  subtitle: Text('Subtitle'),
  trailing: Icon(Icons.more_vert),
  tileColor: Colors.blue[50], // Background color of the ListTile
  contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0, horizontal: 20.0), // Padding inside the ListTile
  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0)), // Shape of the ListTile

Step 4: Incorporate ListTile into a ListView

To display multiple ListTiles, embed them within a ListView, allowing vertical or horizontal listing.

  children: [
      leading: Icon(Icons.list),
      title: Text('Title 1'),
      subtitle: Text('Subtitle 1'),
      leading: Icon(Icons.list),
      title: Text('Title 2'),
      subtitle: Text('Subtitle 2'),
    // Add more ListTiles here

Step 5: Run Your App

After adding ListTiles to your UI, execute your app to observe them displayed according to the customized style.

Making a ListTile Selectable in Flutter

Enabling selection of a ListTile in Flutter is a straightforward process:

  1. Wrap the ListTile widget with a GestureDetector or InkWell.
  2. Add an onTap function within the GestureDetector or InkWell to execute code upon selection.
  3. Use setState() within the onTap function to update the app’s state, toggling a boolean value for switch or checkbox ListTiles.
  4. Ensure each ListTile has a unique key property for proper identification and updates by Flutter’s build system.

Managing Flutter ListTile Theme

Utilizing the Theme property, you can control both user interaction and visual appearance of ListTiles:

Application Level

Define a theme at the application level using MaterialApp’s theme attribute.

  theme: ThemeData(
    primaryColor: Colors.blue,
    accentColor: Colors.red,
    fontFamily: 'Roboto',

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Widget Level

Adjust the theme at the widget level using the Theme widget.

  data: ThemeData(
    primaryColor: Colors.green,
    accentColor: Colors.purple,
    fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
  child: ListTile(
    title: Text('Example ListTile'),
    subtitle: Text('Override the theme here.'),

Increasing the Height of a ListTile in Flutter

While ListTiles have a default fixed height, you can adjust it to suit your requirements:

  • Utilize the contentPadding property of the ListTile widget to add padding around the content, effectively increasing its height.
  • Experiment with other properties such as leading or trailing to incorporate additional content, automatically adjusting the height.


The Flutter ListTile widget emerges as a cornerstone in crafting list-based interfaces, enhancing navigation, and structuring information effectively. Mastering its usage empowers developers to create intuitive and aesthetically pleasing applications, ensuring they stand out in the competitive mobile app market. As you delve deeper into Flutter mobile app development, harnessing the flexibility and functionality of the ListTile widget will unlock endless possibilities for creating captivating user experiences.


What is the ListTile widget in Flutter?

The ListTile widget in Flutter is a fundamental building block for creating list-based interfaces. It represents a single row within a list of items and typically consists of a title, subtitle, leading component (such as an icon or image), and optional trailing component.

What are the variations of the ListTile widget in Flutter?

The ListTile widget in Flutter offers several variations to cater to different design needs:

  • Simple ListTile
  • Switch ListTile
  • Subtitle ListTile
  • Icon ListTile
  • Checkbox ListTile
  • Radio ListTile
  • Custom ListTile

How do I add a ListTile in Flutter?

To add a ListTile in Flutter, follow these steps:

  1. Import the material.dart package.
  2. Create a ListTile widget within your widget’s build method.
  3. Customize the ListTile’s appearance by specifying properties such as leading, title, subtitle, and trailing.
  4. Optionally, customize the ListTile’s style using properties like tileColor, contentPadding, and shape.
  5. Incorporate the ListTile into a ListView to display multiple ListTiles.

How do I make a ListTile selectable in Flutter?

To make a ListTile selectable in Flutter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Wrap the ListTile widget with a GestureDetector or InkWell.
  2. Add an onTap function within the GestureDetector or InkWell to execute code upon selection.
  3. Use setState() within the onTap function to update the app’s state, if necessary.
  4. Ensure each ListTile has a unique key property for proper identification and updates by Flutter’s build system.

How can I manage the theme of ListTile in Flutter?

In Flutter, you can manage the theme of ListTiles at both the application level and the widget level:

  • At the application level, you can define a theme using MaterialApp’s theme attribute.
  • At the widget level, you can adjust the theme using the Theme widget and specify properties such as primaryColor, accentColor, and fontFamily.

How can I increase the height of a ListTile in Flutter?

To increase the height of a ListTile in Flutter, you can utilize the contentPadding property of the ListTile widget. Additionally, you can experiment with other properties such as leading or trailing to add additional content, which will automatically adjust the height of the ListTile.

What makes the Flutter ListTile widget unique?

The Flutter ListTile widget stands out for its versatility and ability to present information in a compact yet visually appealing manner. With variations catering to different needs and customizable properties, the ListTile widget is a powerful tool for creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces in Flutter apps.

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