
Flutter Example – Video Capture

Welcome to this Flutter tutorial, crafted meticulously by Nilesh Payghan. Here, we delve into the process of capturing video using Flutter, accommodating both rear-facing, front-facing, and even external cameras. This guide aims to be your one-stop solution, irrespective of your choice of camera.

Prerequisites and Setup

Before diving into the code, it’s essential to understand and incorporate the necessary dependencies. This project leverages two critical plugins:

  • camera: A versatile plugin handling various camera operations, including access, video recording sessions, and permission management.
  • fluttertoast: Useful for displaying brief messages in a toast format.

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To integrate these dependencies into your project, update your pubspec.yml file as follows:

  camera: ^0.2.9+1
  fluttertoast: ^2.2.6

Structuring the Video Recorder App

Our journey begins with the basic structure of the video recorder application. The code snippet below outlines the skeletal framework, upon which we will build further functionalities.

class VideoRecorderExample extends StatefulWidget {
  _VideoRecorderState createState() => _VideoRecorderState();

class _VideoRecorderExampleState extends State<VideoRecorderExample> {
  CameraController controller;
  String videoPath;

  List<CameraDescription> cameras;
  int selectedCameraIdx;

  final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();

  void initState() {

class VideoRecorderApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: VideoRecorderExample(),

Future<void> main() async {

Discovering Available Cameras

A key step is to identify the available cameras on the device. Most devices feature a rear and a front camera, but the support for external cameras is also considered.

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The camera plugin offers availableCameras(), which asynchronously returns a list of available cameras. We invoke this function in initState to determine and set the initial camera.

void initState() {

  availableCameras().then((availableCameras) {
    cameras = availableCameras;

    if (cameras.isNotEmpty) {
      setState(() {
        selectedCameraIdx = 0;

      _onCameraSwitched(cameras[selectedCameraIdx]).then((void v) {});
  }).catchError((err) {
    print('Error: $err.code\nError Message: $err.message');

Switching Cameras and Recording Videos

The essence of this tutorial lies in efficiently switching between cameras and managing video recording sessions. We detail the handling of camera switching and video recording initiation and termination, focusing on user interactions like pressing the record or stop buttons.

Handling Errors and User Feedback

Utilizing fluttertoast, the application provides real-time feedback to the user, indicating actions such as the start and stop of video recording or errors. This feature enhances the user experience by offering intuitive interaction cues.

    msg: 'Recording video started',
    toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,
    gravity: ToastGravity.CENTER,
    backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
    textColor: Colors.white

Conclusion and Further Learning

This tutorial by Nilesh Payghan offers a deep dive into video capturing functionalities within Flutter applications, paving the way for developers to build sophisticated video recording features. For enthusiasts eager to expand their knowledge, exploring image capturing capabilities in Flutter is a recommended next step.

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For a detailed explanation of writing to storage in Flutter, refer to the “Writing to storage using Flutter” guide, particularly the section on determining the directory path.

Embrace the journey of Flutter development with this guide, and unlock the potential of video recording in your applications.

FAQs on Capturing Video in Flutter

Delve into the comprehensive guide on video recording in Flutter, a meticulous compilation by Nilesh Payghan. This section aims to address frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding capturing video in Flutter applications, ensuring you have a seamless development experience.

What are the essential dependencies for a video recorder project in Flutter?

To embark on building a video recorder application in Flutter, you’ll need to incorporate two pivotal plugins:

Camera Plugin

The camera plugin is integral for managing various camera operations. It facilitates accessing the camera, initiating and concluding video recording sessions, and managing permissions. This plugin is indispensable for harnessing camera functionalities within your app.

FlutterToast Plugin

fluttertoast comes in handy for displaying brief, informative messages in a toast format. It’s particularly useful for user feedback during operations like starting or stopping video recording.

Ensure to include these dependencies in your pubspec.yml file as follows:

  camera: ^0.2.9+1
  fluttertoast: ^2.2.6

How do I structure a simple video recorder application in Flutter?

Starting with a fundamental structure is crucial. Below is a simplified code outline to kickstart your video recorder app:

class VideoRecorderExample extends StatefulWidget {
  _VideoRecorderState createState() => _VideoRecorderState();

class _VideoRecorderExampleState extends State<VideoRecorderExample> {
  // Initial setup including CameraController and other variables

class VideoRecorderApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(home: VideoRecorderExample());

Future<void> main() async {

This skeleton provides a foundation, laying the groundwork for further expansion and functionality integration.

How can I discover and select from available cameras in a Flutter app?

Identifying and selecting among available cameras is facilitated by the camera plugin’s availableCameras() method. This asynchronous function returns a list of available cameras, allowing you to set the initial camera upon application startup. Implement this in the initState method to ensure the camera is ready for use right away.

How do I switch between cameras and handle video recording?

Switching cameras and managing video recording are key functionalities in a video recording app. Implement user interaction controls, such as buttons for switching cameras and starting/stopping video recordings. It’s crucial to dispose of the current camera controller before switching to another camera and to check the recording state before initiating a new recording.

How should errors and user feedback be handled in a Flutter video recorder app?

Utilize the fluttertoast plugin to provide real-time feedback to users. This is essential for indicating the start and stop of video recordings and for displaying error messages. It enhances user experience by offering intuitive and immediate interaction cues.

Where can I find more information on writing to storage in Flutter?

For comprehensive insights into writing to storage in Flutter, including determining the directory path for storing videos, refer to the official Flutter documentation on writing to storage. This resource is invaluable for developers looking to extend their app’s capabilities beyond video recording.

Embark on your Flutter development journey with confidence, leveraging this guide to unlock advanced video recording functionalities in your applications.

Nilesh Payghan

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