
Flutter Example – Access Camera and Capture Image Example

Authored by Nilesh Payghan, with an impressive 5-year journey as a Flutter developer, this tutorial is your comprehensive guide to integrating camera functionality into your Flutter application. Whether it’s capturing moments using the rear-facing, front-facing, or an external camera, this walkthrough aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge to build a simple yet functional camera application.

Setting the Stage: Dependencies

Before diving into the code, two essential dependencies need integration into your pubspec.yml file. These are:

  • camera: ^0.2.9+1 for all camera-related functionalities, including accessing and requesting permission.
  • fluttertoast: ^2.2.6 to display messages in a toast format for a user-friendly interface.

Adding these dependencies is the first step towards creating our camera application.

Crafting the Application Structure

The application’s backbone consists of a stateful widget, CameraExample, which initializes the camera and manages its state. Here’s a simplified structure to start with:

class CameraExample extends StatefulWidget {
  _CameraExampleState createState() => _CameraExampleState();

class _CameraExampleState extends State<CameraExample> {
  CameraController controller;
  List<CameraDescription> cameras;
  int selectedCameraIdx;
  String imagePath;
  final GlobalKey _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey();

  void initState() {
    // Initialization code will go here

class CameraApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(home: CameraExample());

Future main() async {

Initializing the Camera

In the initState method, we retrieve the list of available cameras and set the first one as the selected camera. The capability to switch between cameras adds flexibility for the user, catering to different scenarios, like switching from the rear to the front camera or to an external one.

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Handling Camera Switching

Switching cameras is managed by disposing of the current CameraController instance, if any, and setting up a new one with the chosen camera. This process involves updating the UI accordingly and handling any potential errors gracefully.

Capturing Images

The essence of our application lies in capturing images. This is achieved by invoking the CameraController.takePicture method, ensuring no concurrent captures are in progress. Post-capture, the image path is displayed in a toast, providing immediate feedback to the user.

Rendering the UI

The application’s UI is straightforward yet functional, featuring a camera preview, a switch camera button, a capture button, and a thumbnail of the last captured photo. The layout ensures ease of use and accessibility, focusing on the core functionality of capturing images.

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This tutorial provides a solid foundation for integrating camera functionality into your Flutter applications. Experimentation and customization are encouraged to tailor the application to your specific needs. For further exploration, consider diving into video recording capabilities with Flutter, expanding your application’s multimedia capabilities.

By following this guide, you’re now equipped to incorporate essential camera functionalities into your Flutter projects, enhancing the user experience and expanding the capabilities of your applications.

For those looking to delve deeper into Flutter’s capabilities or seeking assistance with specific features, numerous resources and communities are available online. Engaging with the Flutter community can provide additional insights and support as you continue to develop and refine your applications.

FAQs: Developing a Flutter Camera Application

What is Flutter and why use it for camera app development?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It’s used for developing applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. Flutter is particularly beneficial for camera app development due to its rich set of widgets, fast development cycle with hot reload, and the ability to access native features, like camera APIs, through a unified platform. This makes Flutter a versatile choice for developers looking to create high-performance, visually attractive camera applications efficiently.

How do I add camera functionality to my Flutter app?

To add camera functionality to your Flutter app, you need to integrate the camera package into your project. This is done by adding camera: ^0.2.9+1 to your pubspec.yml file under dependencies. This package facilitates everything related to camera operations, including accessing camera hardware, capturing images, and requesting necessary permissions.

Can Flutter apps use both front and rear-facing cameras?

Yes, Flutter apps can utilize both front and rear-facing cameras. The camera package provides the functionality to access available cameras on the device. You can switch between the front and rear-facing cameras by managing the selected camera index and reloading the camera controller with the new camera. This feature allows for flexibility in capturing images or videos from different perspectives.

What is fluttertoast and why is it used in camera applications?

fluttertoast is a plugin for Flutter that allows you to show toast messages—short, temporary notifications that appear on the screen. It is particularly useful in camera applications for providing user feedback, such as confirming that a photo has been saved, displaying error messages, or indicating that the camera is switching. The toast messages enhance the user interface by providing immediate, non-intrusive feedback.

How do you handle switching between cameras in a Flutter app?

Switching between cameras in a Flutter app involves disposing of the current CameraController if it exists, and initializing a new CameraController with the desired camera. This process also includes updating the application’s state to reflect the change and ensuring the UI is refreshed to display the feed from the selected camera. Error handling and user feedback (e.g., using fluttertoast for notifications) are also important considerations during this process.

How do I capture and save images in a Flutter camera app?

To capture and save images in a Flutter camera app, you invoke the takePicture method of the CameraController. Before doing so, ensure the camera is initialized and not already capturing an image. After capturing the image, you can save it to a file and optionally display a thumbnail or use fluttertoast to notify the user. The file path for saving the image can be determined using the path_provider package, allowing you to store the image in the device’s file system.

Can Flutter camera apps access external cameras?

Yes, Flutter camera apps can access external cameras if the hardware and operating system support it. The camera package allows you to list all available cameras, including any external cameras connected to the device. This feature is particularly useful for applications that require high-quality images or specialized camera hardware not available on the device itself.

Where can I find more resources on Flutter camera app development?

For more resources on Flutter camera app development, the official Flutter documentation is a great starting point. It provides comprehensive guides, API references, and tutorials. Additionally, the Flutter community is very active, with forums, social media groups, and channels dedicated to Flutter development where you can find support, tips, and discussions on best practices. Websites like Medium, YouTube, and Stack Overflow also offer a wealth of information and tutorials tailored to Flutter camera app development.

By exploring these FAQs, you’re better prepared to tackle the challenges of Flutter camera app development, leveraging its full potential to create engaging and functional applications.

Nilesh Payghan

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