What does Flutter build iOS do?

The flutter build ios command is used in Flutter to generate an iOS application package (.ipa file) that can be installed on iOS devices or submitted to the Apple App Store for distribution. This command compiles the Flutter codebase into a native iOS application, which includes translating Dart code into native code and integrating with the iOS platform-specific components. Additionally, flutter build ios may perform tasks such as compiling assets, linking libraries, and configuring the Xcode project settings to ensure compatibility and optimal performance on iOS devices. Overall, it prepares the Flutter app for deployment and distribution on iOS devices.

Understanding the Purpose of flutter build ios

In the world of Flutter development, the flutter build ios command stands as a pivotal tool. It serves as the gateway to transforming your Flutter project into a fully functional iOS application. Let’s delve deeper into its functionalities and significance in the development workflow.

What does Flutter build iOS do?

Compilation and Code Translation

When you invoke flutter build ios, the command initiates a series of processes crucial for iOS app creation. Foremost among these is compilation. Flutter’s source code, predominantly written in Dart, undergoes compilation into native iOS code. This compilation process ensures that the resulting iOS app runs efficiently and seamlessly on Apple devices.

Integration with iOS Platform

One of the remarkable aspects of Flutter is its ability to provide a unified codebase for multiple platforms, including iOS. When you execute flutter build ios, the Flutter framework seamlessly integrates with the iOS platform. This integration involves accessing and utilizing various iOS-specific functionalities and components, ensuring a native-like experience for users.

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Asset Compilation and Optimization

In addition to code compilation, flutter build ios also handles the compilation and optimization of assets. This includes images, fonts, and other resources used within the Flutter project. By efficiently bundling and optimizing these assets, the command ensures that the resulting iOS app remains lightweight and performs optimally on Apple devices.

Xcode Project Configuration

Under the hood, flutter build ios interacts with Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS app development. The command configures the Xcode project associated with the Flutter app, setting up essential configurations such as build settings, dependencies, and app capabilities. This seamless integration streamlines the iOS app development process, allowing developers to focus on building great user experiences.

Preparing for Distribution

Ultimately, the primary objective of flutter build ios is to prepare the Flutter app for distribution. Whether you intend to deploy the app for testing on physical iOS devices or submit it to the Apple App Store for public release, the command ensures that the iOS app package (.ipa file) is generated correctly. This package contains all the necessary assets, binaries, and configurations required for installing and running the app on iOS devices.

How to Release Your Flutter App for iOS

0. Prerequisites

Before starting the release process for your Flutter app on iOS, ensure you have the following:

  • An Apple Developer account.
  • Adherence to Apple’s guidelines for app store release.
  • Preparation of your app’s icons and launch screens.

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1. Prepare for Building

To create a record for your app using App Store Connect, follow these steps:

1.1. Register a unique bundle ID for your app:

  • Open the App IDs page in your Apple Developer account.
  • Select + to create a new Bundle ID.
  • Fill in the required information: App Name and Explicit App ID.
  • Optionally, select specific services if needed, then proceed by selecting Continue.
  • Review the details and select Register to complete the process.

1.2. Create a record on App Store Connect:

  • Log in to App Store Connect.
  • Select My Apps.
  • Choose + and then New App.
  • Fill in your app details, ensure iOS is selected, and then click Create.
  • In the “General Information” section, select the Bundle ID you registered previously.

2. Adjust Xcode Project Settings for Release

Now, adjust your Xcode project’s settings:

2.1. Open your Xcode project:

  • Open Runner.xcworkspace located inside your app’s iOS folder.

2.2. Configure project settings:

  • Navigate to the Runner project in the Xcode project navigator.
  • Select the Runner target in the main view sidebar.
  • Go to the General tab and fill out the necessary information.
  • Ensure the Bundle Identifier matches the one registered on App Store Connect.
  • In the Signing & Capabilities section, enable Automatically manage signing and select your team.
  • Set the iOS Deployment Target to the minimum iOS version supported in the Deployment section of the Build Settings tab.
  • Update your app’s icon and launch image in Assets.xcassets.

3. Build and Upload Your App

Follow these steps to build and upload your app:

3.1. Generate an Xcode build archive:

  • Run flutter build ipa from the command line.
  • Optionally, use –build-name and –build-number to override default version and build numbers.

3.2. Open the archive in Xcode:

  • Open the newly created archive from your project’s archive directory in Xcode.
  • Validate the archive and proceed to Distribute App.

3.3. Prepare for submission on App Store Connect:

  • Check the build status on the Activities tab.
  • Once ready, navigate to Pricing and Availability to fill out required information.
  • Select Prepare for Submission from the sidebar and complete all necessary fields.
  • Finally, submit your app for review.

How to Release Your Flutter App for Android

0. Prerequisites

Ensure the following prerequisites are met before releasing your Flutter app on Android:

  • Have an Android app ready for release.
  • Add a launcher icon and prepare all app assets.

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1. Prepare for Release

Before publishing your app to Google Play, add a digital signature:

1.1. Generate a keystore:

  • On Mac, use the command: keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias key
  • On Windows, use: keytool -genkey -v -keystore c:/Users/USER_NAME/key.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias key

1.2. Create a key.properties file:

  • Create a file named /android/key.properties referencing your keystore.

2. Configure Gradle and Build the App

Configure Gradle and build your app’s APK:

2.1. Update Gradle file:

  • Replace appropriate blocks in /android/app/build.gradle with keystore information.

2.2. Review app manifest:

  • Open AndroidManifest.xml located in /android/app/src/main and ensure all necessary values and permissions are set.

3. Publish to Google Play Store

Follow these steps to publish your app on Google Play:

3.1. Build the APK:

  • Run flutter build apk in your command line.

3.2. Publish on Google Play:

  • Follow Google Play Store’s guidelines to upload your APK.

Your Flutter app is now ready for release on both iOS and Android platforms.


In conclusion, flutter build ios serves as a foundational step in the journey of transforming a Flutter project into a fully-fledged iOS app. Its compilation, integration, asset optimization, Xcode configuration, and distribution preparation capabilities make it an indispensable tool for Flutter developers targeting the iOS platform. By executing this command, developers can unleash the full potential of Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities while delivering high-quality, performant iOS apps to users worldwide.

FAQs About flutter build ios

What is the purpose of flutter build ios?

The flutter build ios command is used to generate an iOS application package (.ipa file) for deployment on iOS devices or submission to the Apple App Store. It compiles the Flutter codebase into native iOS code, integrates with iOS platform-specific components, and prepares the app for distribution.

What processes does flutter build ios involve?

When you run flutter build ios, it initiates compilation of Flutter’s Dart code into native iOS code, integrates with iOS platform functionalities, compiles and optimizes assets, configures Xcode project settings, and prepares the app for distribution.

How does flutter build ios integrate with Xcode?

flutter build ios interacts with Xcode, Apple’s IDE for iOS development, by configuring project settings such as build settings, dependencies, and app capabilities. This seamless integration streamlines the iOS app development process.

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What is the outcome of running flutter build ios?

The outcome of running flutter build ios is the generation of an iOS application package (.ipa file) containing all necessary assets, binaries, and configurations required for installation and execution on iOS devices.

FAQs About Releasing Flutter Apps for iOS

What prerequisites are needed to release a Flutter app for iOS?

Before releasing a Flutter app for iOS, ensure you have an Apple Developer account, adhere to Apple’s guidelines for app store release, and prepare your app’s icons and launch screens.

How do I prepare for building my Flutter app for iOS?

To prepare for building your Flutter app for iOS, register a unique bundle ID for your app, create a record on App Store Connect, adjust Xcode project settings for release, and build and upload your app following specific steps.

What is the process of building and uploading a Flutter app for iOS?

The process involves generating an Xcode build archive using flutter build ipa, opening the archive in Xcode, validating it, preparing for submission on App Store Connect, and finally submitting the app for review.

FAQs About Releasing Flutter Apps for Android

What prerequisites are needed to release a Flutter app for Android?

Before releasing a Flutter app for Android, ensure you have an Android app ready for release and have added a launcher icon and prepared all app assets.

How do I prepare for releasing my Flutter app for Android?

To prepare for releasing your Flutter app for Android, generate a keystore, create a key.properties file, configure Gradle, and build the app’s APK.

What is the process of publishing a Flutter app to the Google Play Store?

The process involves building the APK using flutter build apk, reviewing the app manifest, and publishing the app on the Google Play Store following its guidelines.

These FAQs provide insights into the processes involved in releasing Flutter apps for both iOS and Android platforms.

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