
Is Flutter developer a good career?

Flutter, a dynamic cross-platform development framework, has rapidly revolutionized the software development landscape. With its ability to streamline app creation across various platforms, Flutter has become a cornerstone for developers seeking efficient and versatile solutions. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects and career implications of embracing Flutter.

Introduction to Flutter

Flutter has swiftly gained traction in the software development realm for its ability to streamline the creation of cross-platform applications. With Flutter, developers can efficiently craft apps compatible with various operating systems using a single codebase.

Responsibilities of a Flutter Developer

As a Flutter Developer, your primary responsibility revolves around writing code in Dart to develop mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. You oversee the entire app development lifecycle, ensuring compatibility and staying abreast of industry trends.

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Advantages of Flutter Development

One of Flutter’s key advantages lies in its convenience, allowing developers to write and debug code in real-time for multiple platforms. This streamlined process facilitates efficient project monitoring and client reporting.

Salary Insights for Flutter Developers

Earnings for Flutter Developers vary based on experience level, location, and additional skill sets. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Junior: PLN 6,000 – PLN 10,000 (B2B)
  • Mid: PLN 12,792 – PLN 21,080 (CoE), PLN 15,000 – PLN 21,080 (B2B)
  • Senior: PLN 14,000 – PLN 20,000 (CoE), PLN 19,250 – PLN 25,500 (B2B)

Core Skills for Cross-Platform Developers

Proficiency in Dart programming language forms the cornerstone of a Flutter Developer’s skill set. Additionally, familiarity with other technologies such as JS React may prove beneficial for career advancement.

Specialized education may not be mandatory for aspiring Flutter Developers, but a strong grasp of Dart programming is essential. Online courses and resources can provide foundational knowledge, supplemented by dedicated Flutter books and courses.

Growth Opportunities for Flutter Developers

Flutter Developers primarily focus on mobile app development, but the versatility of Flutter extends to website and program production. Continuous learning and adaptation are key for career advancement in this dynamic field.

Working with Flutter

Flutter empowers developers to create mobile applications for various platforms simultaneously, streamlining the development process and enhancing cost-efficiency. With competitive salaries and abundant growth opportunities, pursuing a career as a Flutter Developer offers promising prospects in the IT industry.

Embracing Flutter: A Career Perspective


In 2019, as an Android developer in a project-based company, our team underwent a significant transition in our development approach. Previously entrenched in Java and later Kotlin for mobile development, a pivotal recommendation from our tech lead prompted us to explore Flutter as our new mobile development framework.

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Evaluating Career Prospects

The decision to adopt Flutter raised pertinent questions about its potential impact on our career trajectories. While Kotlin and Java were entrenched in native development, Flutter, with its Dart programming language, seemed tailored for simpler applications, predominantly favored by smaller companies for MVPs. Despite this, the allure of Flutter’s rising popularity and promising future compelled us to delve deeper into its potential for our careers.

Embracing the Learning Curve

Transitioning to Flutter proved relatively seamless for our team, thanks to its intuitive learning curve. Despite initial challenges in convincing clients of its efficacy, bolstered by a growing portfolio of successful Flutter projects, client apprehensions gradually dissipated. Our decision to embrace Flutter yielded tangible benefits, notably boosting our productivity and project delivery efficiency.

Flutter’s Ascendancy

Over the ensuing years, Flutter’s ascendancy was palpable. By mid-2019, it had surpassed React as the premier cross-platform mobile development framework. Its adoption by numerous companies, including unicorns, albeit primarily for auxiliary products rather than core offerings, underscored its growing relevance in the tech landscape.

Seizing Career Opportunities

The burgeoning demand for Flutter Developers became increasingly evident in 2023, with notable companies offering lucrative positions in the range of 25 to 40 million IDR per month. This surge in demand further validated our decision to embrace Flutter, affirming its viability as a cornerstone of our career paths.

Frequently Asked Questions about Flutter Development

What is Flutter and why is it gaining popularity in software development?

Flutter is a cross-platform development framework that enables developers to create applications compatible with multiple operating systems using a single codebase. Its popularity stems from its ability to streamline development processes, enhance productivity, and deliver consistent user experiences across platforms.

What are the primary responsibilities of a Flutter Developer?

As a Flutter Developer, your main responsibility is to write code in Dart programming language to develop mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. This involves overseeing the entire app development lifecycle, ensuring compatibility, and staying updated with industry trends.

What are the advantages of using Flutter for mobile app development?

Flutter offers several advantages, including real-time code writing and debugging for multiple platforms, streamlined project monitoring, and efficient client reporting. Its versatility allows developers to create applications with a single codebase, saving time and resources.

What salary range can Flutter Developers expect?

Flutter Developers’ salaries vary based on factors such as experience level, location, and additional skill sets. Junior developers can expect to earn between PLN 6,000 to PLN 10,000 per month, while mid-level developers may earn between PLN 12,792 to PLN 21,080. Senior developers typically earn between PLN 14,000 to PLN 20,000 per month.

What are the core skills required for cross-platform developers, particularly those working with Flutter?

Proficiency in the Dart programming language is essential for Flutter Developers. Additionally, familiarity with other technologies such as JS React can be advantageous for career advancement in the cross-platform development field.

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Is specialized education necessary to pursue a career as a Flutter Developer?

While specialized education is not mandatory, a strong grasp of Dart programming is essential. Online courses, resources, and dedicated Flutter books can provide foundational knowledge to aspiring Flutter Developers.

What growth opportunities are available for Flutter Developers?

Flutter Developers primarily focus on mobile app development, but the framework’s versatility extends to website and program production. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial for career advancement in this dynamic field, with abundant opportunities for growth and development.

How does Flutter empower developers in mobile app development?

Flutter empowers developers by enabling them to create mobile applications for various platforms simultaneously, thereby streamlining the development process and enhancing cost-efficiency. Its competitive salaries and promising career prospects make it an attractive choice for aspiring developers.


In retrospect, our transition to Flutter epitomized a strategic career move, aligning with the burgeoning trends in mobile development. Despite initial reservations about its suitability for complex projects, our experiences underscored its versatility and efficacy. As Flutter continues to proliferate across the industry, its significance in shaping our career trajectories remains undeniable.

Nilesh Payghan

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