Implementing Instant Object Detection in Live Image Streams using TFLite in Flutter

This article explores the significant technological enhancements in the field of live object detection, particularly with the advancements brought by Flutter 3.7 and TensorFlow’s latest updates. Initially crafted for a leading German company in 2019, these detection systems have evolved to meet the fast-changing demands of technology.

Introduction: The Genesis of Live Object Detection with Flutter

In the nascent stages of Flutter in 2019, I embarked on an ambitious project to develop a live object detection system for a prominent German company. At that time, the limitations of the Flutter framework posed significant challenges. Nevertheless, the project successfully met the operational requirements for live object detection. However, with the rapid evolution of technology, it became clear that updates and overhauls might be necessary. The introduction of Flutter 3.7 and subsequent advancements in TensorFlow underscored this need.

Implementing Instant Object Detection in Live Image Streams using TFLite in Flutter

Exploring Recent Developments in Live Object Detection

The cutting-edge techniques now employed in live object detection can be found detailed in the examples module of the flutter-tflite GitHub repository. This repository is a resource showcasing how new methodologies have been integrated within Flutter to enhance the functionality and efficiency of live object detection systems.

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Processing Challenges in Camera Stream Integration

Capturing Real-Time Streams

Utilizing Flutter’s camera plugin, developers can easily access hardware cameras to capture real-time video streams. This is a crucial step in ensuring the capture of high-quality images necessary for accurate subsequent object detection.

Efficient Data Handling

Post-capture, the primary challenge lies in processing the CameraImage objects efficiently. These images must be processed to align with machine learning models for effective detection and classification. To prevent any performance lag in the user interface, it is ideal to handle this resource-intensive task in the background.

Displaying Detection Results

The processed data must then be overlaid seamlessly onto the live camera feed displayed on the UI, allowing real-time visualization of object detection results. This step is crucial for providing immediate feedback to users and enhancing the application’s interactivity and utility.

This exploration highlights the dynamic nature of technology development in the realm of Flutter and TensorFlow, particularly in how they are applied to sophisticated tasks like live object detection. As these technologies continue to advance, they offer new possibilities and challenges for developers in the field.

From Camera to Classifier: Enhancing Live Object Detection with Flutter and TensorFlow

In the realm of mobile development, integrating advanced features like live object detection involves a sequence of technical enhancements and adaptations. This article explores the transformation from capturing camera images to executing object detection using the latest capabilities of Flutter and TensorFlow.

Initial Processing: Converting CameraImage to Usable Formats

CameraImage Conversion Function

The initial step involves converting the raw camera output into a format suitable for machine learning models. This process varies depending on the format of the image captured by the camera. Here’s a typical function to handle various image formats:

Future<image_lib.Image?> convertCameraImageToImage(CameraImage cameraImage) async {
  image_lib.Image image;
  if ( == ImageFormatGroup.yuv420) {
    image = convertYUV420ToImage(cameraImage);
  } else if ( == ImageFormatGroup.bgra8888) {
    image = convertBGRA8888ToImage(cameraImage);
  } else if ( == ImageFormatGroup.jpeg) {
    image = convertJPEGToImage(cameraImage);
  } else if ( == ImageFormatGroup.nv21) {
    image = convertNV21ToImage(cameraImage);
  } else {
    return null;
  return image;

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Handling Image Rotation and Rescaling

Given that camera outputs may include rotated frames, using image EXIF data to correct orientation is essential. Additionally, resizing the image to match the input size required by the machine learning model is crucial for accurate detection.

Running Inference: Processing Images for Object Detection

The core of live object detection is the inference process, where the prepared images are fed into a TensorFlow Lite model to detect objects. This process needs to manage resources efficiently due to its computational intensity.

List<List<Object>> _runInference(List<List<List<num>>> imageMatrix) {
  // Prepare input and output tensors
  final input = [imageMatrix];
  final output = {
    0: [List<List<num>>.filled(10, List<num>.filled(4, 0))],
    1: [List<num>.filled(10, 0)],
    2: [List<num>.filled(10, 0)],
    3: [0.0],

  _interpreter!.runForMultipleInputs([input], output);
  return output.values.toList();

Adjusting Detection Boxes

Once objects are detected, adjusting the bounding boxes to match the dimensions of the displayed image ensures that detection overlays correctly align with the visual output on the screen.

Isolate Collaboration: Enhancing Performance with Background Processing

The introduction of Flutter 3.7 has streamlined the use of background isolates for processing intensive tasks like image frame processing. This allows the main UI to remain responsive while the heavy lifting is done in the background.

Setting Up Background Isolate for Image Processing

Here’s how to configure a background isolate for processing tasks, thereby enhancing performance and user experience:

  1. Spawn a new isolate from the root, passing necessary references.
  2. Initialize communication between the root and the background isolate.
  3. Configure the background isolate to use plugins and access the Interpreter using the RootIsolateToken.
final Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn(_DetectorServer._run, receivePort.sendPort);


The journey from capturing images with a camera to detecting objects using TensorFlow within a Flutter application encapsulates a complex interplay of conversions, processing, and optimizations. This advanced integration not only showcases the robustness of modern frameworks like Flutter and TensorFlow but also highlights the dynamic capabilities of mobile applications in leveraging artificial intelligence efficiently. Through careful management of resources and innovative use of isolates, developers can achieve high-performance real-time object detection that was once deemed challenging.

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FAQ: Enhancements in Live Object Detection with Flutter 3.7 and TensorFlow

What is live object detection?

Live object detection involves using computer vision technology to identify and locate objects in real-time within video streams or images captured by cameras. This technology has applications in various fields such as security, automotive, and interactive user interfaces.

How has Flutter 3.7 improved live object detection?

Flutter 3.7 has introduced enhancements that allow for more efficient background processing and better management of system resources. These improvements make it possible to perform more intensive tasks, like live object detection, without compromising the responsiveness of the user interface.

What role does TensorFlow play in live object detection?

TensorFlow provides the machine learning models and frameworks necessary for training and running object detection algorithms. By integrating TensorFlow with Flutter, developers can implement sophisticated object detection capabilities directly within mobile apps.

How does camera stream integration work in Flutter?

Using Flutter’s camera plugin, developers can access camera hardware to capture live video streams. This involves handling CameraImage objects, converting them into formats suitable for machine learning models, and processing them efficiently to detect objects in real-time.

What are the challenges in processing CameraImage objects?

The primary challenges include converting the raw camera output into a usable format, correcting orientation, and resizing images to match the input requirements of the machine learning models. These tasks must be managed efficiently to maintain performance.

How are detection results displayed in the application?

Once objects are detected, the results are overlaid onto the live camera feed displayed on the app’s user interface. This requires adjusting the bounding boxes to align correctly with the objects in the video stream, ensuring that users receive immediate and accurate feedback.

What is the significance of background processing in live object detection?

Background processing allows intensive computations, such as image processing and object detection, to be handled in separate threads (isolates). This approach keeps the main user interface responsive, enhancing the user experience and application performance.

How is a background isolate set up for image processing in Flutter?

To set up a background isolate in Flutter, developers spawn a new isolate and establish communication channels between the main application and the isolate. This setup helps in offloading resource-intensive tasks to the background, maintaining UI responsiveness.

Can live object detection be customized for different applications?

Yes, live object detection can be customized based on the specific requirements of different applications. This includes adjusting the machine learning model, detection parameters, and processing techniques to optimize performance and accuracy for various use cases.

What future developments can be expected in live object detection technology?

Future developments may include more advanced machine learning models, improved real-time processing capabilities, and enhanced integration with other technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT). These advancements will likely expand the applications and effectiveness of live object detection systems.

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