
Flutter and Dart at Google Cloud Next

In a significant debut, the Flutter team joined Google Cloud Next, highlighting Flutter’s prominence in development. Through collaborative efforts with Google Cloud, Firebase, and others, they showcased innovative solutions and notable announcements. Explore insights, demonstrations, and resources shaping the future of Flutter and Google Cloud development.


Last week marked a significant milestone as the Flutter team made its debut appearance at Google Cloud Next, underscoring Flutter’s growing significance in the development landscape.

Collaborative Efforts

Partnering with various teams including Google Cloud, Firebase, Very Good Ventures, and Serverpod, we orchestrated lightning talks, insightful sessions, and a captivating demo booth, all aimed at enhancing development workflows.

IntroductionLast week marked a significant milestone as the Flutter team made its debut appearance at Google Cloud Next, underscoring Flutter’s growing significance in the development landscape.
Collaborative EffortsPartnering with various teams including Google Cloud, Firebase, Very Good Ventures, and Serverpod, we orchestrated lightning talks, insightful sessions, and a captivating demo booth, all aimed at enhancing development workflows.
Highlights from the Event1. Fast Development with Firestore, Cloud Run, and Flutter: In a real-time demonstration, we crafted a basic Flutter app seamlessly integrated with a Firestore database via a Google Cloud Run-powered API. Explore more about this process through these resources.
2. Harnessing Flutter, Firebase, and Gemini for Intelligent App Development: Building from scratch, we showcased a dynamic real-world app using Flutter, Firebase, and Gemini. Witness how Firebase’s Firestore and Storage functionalities streamlined data management and media handling in the recorded talk.
3. Leveraging Serverpod for Full-Stack Dart: Discover how Dart on the server complements Flutter apps with Serverpod. This full-stack Dart solution employs code generation to synchronize client-server code and offers a feature-rich Postgres ORM based on your schema. Dive deeper into this topic with an episode from Observable Flutter.
4. Live-coding a Flutter App with Firestore: Experience how Google’s Project IDX simplifies setting up a Flutter development environment. Begin your journey with Project IDX.
5. Developing Full-Stack Apps and Games with Flutter, Dart Frog, and Gemini: Very Good Ventures demonstrated creating an AI-powered game with Gemini and Flutter in a “choose your own adventure” format. Watch the enlightening talk now!
6. Utilizing Dart Frog and Google Cloud for Code Sharing: Learn how to swiftly share code between frontend and backend using Dart Frog and Google Cloud. VGV illustrated bringing a full-stack project to life and deploying it both on devices and Cloud Run within minutes.
Notable Announcements1. Firestore Vector Search Support + Extension Launch: Introducing vector search embeddings in Firestore, along with the Firestore Vector Search extension, empowering Flutter and Dart developers to transform Firestore data into a searchable knowledge map. This paves the way for innovative generative AI features such as AI-powered product recommendations and intelligent chatbots directly within Flutter apps.
2. Vertex Gemini Dart SDK Private Preview: The Vertex Gemini SDKs, supporting Dart among other languages, accelerate development by providing easy access to Vertex AI services. Flutter and Dart developers can request access to the private preview through this Google form.
Share Your ProjectsThe future looks promising for developers aiming to create high-quality cross-platform experiences with Google Cloud. We invite you to share your Flutter and Google Cloud endeavors with us on Twitter and LinkedIn!
Getting Started ResourcesIf you’re eager to dive into Flutter and Google Cloud, explore these helpful resources:
Sample code
Cloud Development tips (Video)

Highlights from the Event

1. Fast Development with Firestore, Cloud Run, and Flutter

In a real-time demonstration, we crafted a basic Flutter app seamlessly integrated with a Firestore database via a Google Cloud Run-powered API. Explore more about this process through these resources.

2. Harnessing Flutter, Firebase, and Gemini for Intelligent App Development

Building from scratch, we showcased a dynamic real-world app using Flutter, Firebase, and Gemini. Witness how Firebase’s Firestore and Storage functionalities streamlined data management and media handling in the recorded talk.

3. Leveraging Serverpod for Full-Stack Dart

Discover how Dart on the server complements Flutter apps with Serverpod. This full-stack Dart solution employs code generation to synchronize client-server code and offers a feature-rich Postgres ORM based on your schema. Dive deeper into this topic with an episode from Observable Flutter.

4. Live-coding a Flutter App with Firestore

Experience how Google’s Project IDX simplifies setting up a Flutter development environment. Begin your journey with Project IDX.

5. Developing Full-Stack Apps and Games with Flutter, Dart Frog, and Gemini

Very Good Ventures demonstrated creating an AI-powered game with Gemini and Flutter in a “choose your own adventure” format. Watch the enlightening talk now!

6. Utilizing Dart Frog and Google Cloud for Code Sharing

Learn how to swiftly share code between frontend and backend using Dart Frog and Google Cloud. VGV illustrated bringing a full-stack project to life and deploying it both on devices and Cloud Run within minutes.

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Notable Announcements

1. Firestore Vector Search Support + Extension Launch

Introducing vector search embeddings in Firestore, along with the Firestore Vector Search extension, empowering Flutter and Dart developers to transform Firestore data into a searchable knowledge map. This paves the way for innovative generative AI features such as AI-powered product recommendations and intelligent chatbots directly within Flutter apps.

2. Vertex Gemini Dart SDK Private Preview

The Vertex Gemini SDKs, supporting Dart among other languages, accelerate development by providing easy access to Vertex AI services. Flutter and Dart developers can request access to the private preview through this Google form.

Share Your Projects

The future looks promising for developers aiming to create high-quality cross-platform experiences with Google Cloud. We invite you to share your Flutter and Google Cloud endeavors with us on Twitter and LinkedIn!

Getting Started Resources

If you’re eager to dive into Flutter and Google Cloud, explore these helpful resources:

FAQs: Flutter and Google Cloud Collaboration

What was the recent milestone achieved by the Flutter team?

Answer: Last week, the Flutter team made its first appearance at Google Cloud Next, signifying Flutter’s growing significance in the development community.

Who were the key collaborators during this event?

Answer: The Flutter team collaborated with various teams including Google Cloud, Firebase, Very Good Ventures, and Serverpod.

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What were the highlights of the event?


  1. Fast Development with Firestore, Cloud Run, and Flutter: Demonstrated real-time development of a Flutter app integrated with Firestore via a Google Cloud Run-powered API.
  2. Harnessing Flutter, Firebase, and Gemini for Intelligent App Development: Showcased a dynamic real-world app using Flutter, Firebase, and Gemini, emphasizing Firestore and Storage functionalities.
  3. Leveraging Serverpod for Full-Stack Dart: Explored how Dart on the server complements Flutter apps with Serverpod, offering code generation and a feature-rich Postgres ORM.
  4. Live-coding a Flutter App with Firestore: Introduced Google’s Project IDX for simplifying Flutter development environment setup.
  5. Developing Full-Stack Apps and Games with Flutter, Dart Frog, and Gemini: Demonstrated creating an AI-powered game with Gemini and Flutter.
  6. Utilizing Dart Frog and Google Cloud for Code Sharing: Discussed swift code sharing between frontend and backend using Dart Frog and Google Cloud.

What notable announcements were made during the event?


  1. Firestore Vector Search Support + Extension Launch: Introduced vector search embeddings in Firestore and the Firestore Vector Search extension, enabling innovative generative AI features in Flutter apps.
  2. Vertex Gemini Dart SDK Private Preview: Announced Vertex Gemini SDKs supporting Dart and other languages for accelerated development with Vertex AI services.

How can developers share their projects with the Flutter and Google Cloud teams?

Answer: Developers are encouraged to share their Flutter and Google Cloud projects on Twitter and LinkedIn.

What resources are available for developers looking to get started with Flutter and Google Cloud?

Answer: Developers can explore documentation, sample code, and Cloud Development tips videos to kickstart their journey with Flutter and Google Cloud.

Nilesh Payghan

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