
Issue: Flutter 3.22 different behavior between debug and release mode

Users have reported discrepancies between Flutter 3.22’s debug and release modes, with issues arising in release mode but not in debug. This brief explores the problem’s scope, steps to reproduce, expected versus actual results, and ongoing inquiries into platform-specific concerns and code-related details.

Flutter 3.22 different behavior between debug and release mode

Description: After updating to the latest stable version of Flutter (3.22), users are experiencing different behavior between debug and release modes. While everything works fine in debug mode, the application encounters issues in release mode. Reverting to the previous stable version (3.19.6) resolves the problem.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Upgrade Flutter to version 3.22.
  2. Run the application in release mode.
  3. Observe the behavior.
  4. Run the application in debug mode.
  5. Compare the behavior between debug and release modes.

Expected Results:

Both release and debug modes should exhibit the same behavior.

Actual Results:

Release mode behaves differently compared to debug mode on both Windows and macOS. The web version works fine.

Additional Information:

  • No specific code sample is provided due to the complexity of the application.
  • No screenshots or videos are available.
  • No output log is generated when running in release mode.
  • The Flutter Doctor output indicates missing components for Android toolchain and unknown Android license status.


@moffatman (Contributor):
No information about what changed and no code provided. Please provide more details for assistance.

@danagbemava-nc (Member):
Additional information is needed to investigate:

  • Platform of the issue.
  • Existence of errors or crash logs.
  • Minimal reproducible code sample.

Experiencing a similar issue where the app crashes in TestFlight but works fine in the simulator (debug mode). No error logs are visible in either debug or release mode. Device info: iPhone15, iOS 17.5.

@danagbemava-nc (Member):
Requesting crash logs from TestFlight. Confirming if the issue persists in local release mode. Inquiring if the problem is iOS-specific or affects other platforms as well.

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IssueFlutter 3.22 different behavior between debug and release mode
DescriptionAfter updating to Flutter 3.22, users encounter different behavior between debug and release modes. Reverting to version 3.19.6 resolves the issue.
Steps to Reproduce1. Upgrade Flutter to version 3.22.
2. Run the app in release mode.
3. Observe behavior.
4. Run the app in debug mode.
5. Compare behaviors.
Expected ResultsConsistent behavior in both release and debug modes.
Actual ResultsDifferent behavior in release mode compared to debug mode on Windows and macOS. Web version unaffected.
Additional Info– No specific code sample provided due to application complexity.
– No screenshots or videos available.
– No output log generated in release mode.
– Flutter Doctor output indicates missing Android toolchain components and unknown license status.
Comments@moffatman (Contributor): Request for more details and code.
@danagbemava-nc (Member): Request for platform information, error or crash logs, and minimal reproducible code sample.
@synstin: Similar issue in TestFlight, no error logs in debug or release mode. Device: iPhone15, iOS 17.5.
@danagbemava-nc (Member): Request for TestFlight crash logs, confirmation of issue in local release mode, and inquiry about platform specificity.

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FAQs: Flutter 3.22 Different Behavior between Debug and Release Mode

Q: What is the issue encountered with Flutter 3.22?

A: After updating to Flutter version 3.22, users are noticing discrepancies in behavior between debug and release modes. While the application functions properly in debug mode, it encounters issues in release mode.

Q: What steps can be taken to reproduce this issue?


  1. Upgrade Flutter to version 3.22.
  2. Run the application in release mode.
  3. Observe the behavior.
  4. Run the application in debug mode.
  5. Compare the behavior between debug and release modes.

Q: What are the expected results of running the application in both modes?

A: The expectation is that both release and debug modes should demonstrate the same behavior.

Q: What are the actual results observed by users?

A: Release mode exhibits different behavior compared to debug mode on both Windows and macOS. However, the web version appears unaffected.

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Q: What additional information is available regarding this issue?


  • No specific code sample is provided due to the complexity of the application.
  • No screenshots or videos are available.
  • No output log is generated when running in release mode.
  • The Flutter Doctor output indicates missing components for Android toolchain and an unknown Android license status.

Q: What comments have been made by contributors and users?


  • @moffatman (Contributor): Requests more details and code to assist further.
  • @danagbemava-nc (Member): Seeks additional information including the platform of the issue, existence of errors or crash logs, and a minimal reproducible code sample.
  • @synstin: Reports a similar issue where the app crashes in TestFlight but works in the simulator (debug mode), without visible error logs. Provides device info: iPhone15, iOS 17.5.
  • @danagbemava-nc (Member): Requests crash logs from TestFlight, confirms if the issue persists in local release mode, and inquires if the problem is specific to iOS or affects other platforms as well.

Nilesh Payghan

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