
Firebase as a Database: Introducing Cloud Firestore

We are excited to announce the launch of Cloud Firestore, a fully-managed NoSQL document database designed for mobile and web app development. Now available in beta, Cloud Firestore offers powerful querying, real-time synchronization, offline data access, and seamless integration with the Firebase platform, enabling developers to build scalable, high-performance apps effortlessly.

Launch Announcement

We are thrilled to introduce Cloud Firestore, a fully-managed NoSQL document database designed for mobile and web app development. Cloud Firestore is now available in beta, providing a powerful solution for storing and syncing app data globally.

Firebase as a Database

Key Features of Firebase as a Database

Powerful Querying with Documents and Collections

  • Documents and Collections: Utilize a familiar and intuitive data model that supports expressive queries.
  • Real-time Data Synchronization: Sync data across devices almost instantly with iOS, Android, and Web SDKs.
  • Offline Data Access: Access data even without internet connectivity.
  • Automatic Multi-region Replication: Ensure strong consistency and durability of data across multiple regions.
  • Server SDKs: Available for Node, Python, Go, and Java.

We prioritize simplicity and ease of use while ensuring scalability for the largest apps.

Optimized for App Development

Simplified Data Management

Managing app data poses challenges such as scaling servers, handling intermittent connectivity, and ensuring low latency. Cloud Firestore addresses these challenges to help developers deliver value and improve app performance.

Real-time Data Synchronization

  • Instant Sync: Sync your app data almost instantly with our Android, iOS, and JavaScript SDKs, enabling reactive apps and collaborative features.
  • One-time Reads: Perform efficient one-time data reads as a first-class feature.

Intuitive Data Structure and Querying

  • Familiar Data Model: Use documents and collections to structure data, enabling expressive and scalable queries.

Offline Data Access

  • On-device Database: Ensure smooth app functionality even without connectivity, available on Web, iOS, and Android.

Serverless Development

  • Client-side SDKs: Simplify authentication and networking code.
  • Security Rules: Control data access and apply validation logic using powerful security rules, allowing direct database connections from mobile apps.

Integration with Firebase Platform

Seamless Integration

  • Cloud Functions: Run custom code in response to data changes.
  • Firebase Authentication: Automatically integrate to streamline user authentication and app initialization.

Emphasizing the ‘Cloud’ in Cloud Firestore

Fully Managed Service

Cloud Firestore is built in collaboration with the Google Cloud Platform team, offering a fully managed, multi-region replicated database. It ensures data durability and strong consistency, simplifying app development regardless of scale.

Robust Server SDKs

We prioritize delivering a great server-side experience, launching SDKs for Java, Go, Python, and Node.js, with more languages planned for the future.

Comparing to the Firebase as a Database Realtime

Inspired by the Realtime Database

The Firebase Realtime Database revolutionized app development with its real-time capabilities and ease of use. As developers pushed its limits with complex data needs, Cloud Firestore emerged to address these challenges, offering enhanced data structuring, querying, and scaling capabilities.

Complementary Databases

While Cloud Firestore enhances and extends the capabilities of the Firebase Realtime Database, it is not a direct replacement. Depending on your use case, you might prefer the Realtime Database for cost and latency optimization. Both databases can be used together, and we continue to develop and support both.

Get Started with Cloud Firestore

Public Beta Launch

Cloud Firestore is now in public beta. We encourage you to try it for your next project and explore its features.

Explore More

  • Visit the Database Tab: In your Firebase console to get started.
  • Documentation and Pricing: Review detailed documentation, pricing, and code samples.
  • Performance Limitations: Understand current limitations during the beta phase.
  • Open Source SDKs: Check out our iOS and JavaScript SDKs on GitHub.

We eagerly await your feedback and are excited to see the innovative apps you’ll build with Cloud Firestore!

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Information in Table format

Launch DateOctober 3, 2017
Product ManagerAlex Dufetel
Database TypeFully-managed NoSQL document database
Key Features– Documents and collections with powerful querying
– iOS, Android, and Web SDKs with offline data access
– Real-time data synchronization
– Automatic, multi-region data replication with strong consistency
– Node, Python, Go, and Java server SDKs
Optimization for App Development– Real-time data synchronization
– One-time reads
– Offline data access
– Serverless development
Integration with Firebase– Cloud Functions
– Firebase Authentication integration
Cloud Firestore Benefits– Fully managed
– Multi-region replicated database
– Strong consistency
– Server SDKs for Java, Go, Python, and Node.js
Comparison with Firebase Realtime Database– Inspired by the Realtime Database
– Not a drop-in replacement
– Complementary databases
Getting Started– Public beta available
– Database tab in Firebase console
– Documentation and pricing details
Open source SDKs on GitHub

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Cloud Firestore

What is Cloud Firestore?

Cloud Firestore is a fully-managed NoSQL document database designed for mobile and web app development. It provides powerful querying capabilities, real-time data synchronization, and offline data access, making it easy to build responsive and scalable applications.

What are the key features of Cloud Firestore?

Key features include documents and collections for structured data, real-time synchronization, offline data access, automatic multi-region replication with strong consistency, and server SDKs for Node, Python, Go, and Java. It also integrates seamlessly with the Firebase platform.

How does Cloud Firestore handle real-time data synchronization?

Cloud Firestore’s SDKs for iOS, Android, and Web sync app data almost instantly across devices. This supports the development of reactive apps and collaborative features. If real-time sync is not needed, efficient one-time data reads are also available.

Can Cloud Firestore be used offline?

Yes, Cloud Firestore includes a powerful on-device database that allows apps to function smoothly even without internet connectivity. This offline mode is available on Web, iOS, and Android.

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How is Cloud Firestore different from Firebase Realtime Database?

Cloud Firestore was inspired by the Firebase Realtime Database but addresses its limitations by offering better data structuring, querying, and scaling capabilities. It is not a drop-in replacement but can be used alongside the Realtime Database depending on specific use cases.

How does Cloud Firestore ensure data durability and consistency?

Cloud Firestore is a fully-managed, multi-region replicated database that ensures data durability even during unexpected disasters. It provides strong consistency, making app development simpler regardless of scale.

What SDKs are available for Cloud Firestore?

Cloud Firestore offers server SDKs for Java, Go, Python, and Node.js, with additional languages planned for future releases. These SDKs facilitate backend development and integrate seamlessly with client-side SDKs.

Is Cloud Firestore integrated with other Firebase services?

Yes, Cloud Firestore integrates with Firebase Authentication for easy user management and with Cloud Functions to run custom backend code in response to data changes. This integration helps streamline app development.

How can I get started with Cloud Firestore?

To get started with Cloud Firestore, visit the database tab in your Firebase console. You can access detailed documentation, pricing information, code samples, and open-source SDKs on GitHub. Cloud Firestore is currently available in public beta.

Where can I find more information about Cloud Firestore?

For more details, visit the Firebase documentation and the Cloud Firestore section on the Firebase website. You can also explore code samples and view performance limitations during the beta phase.

Nilesh Payghan

Published by
Nilesh Payghan

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