Android Studio

Google I/O 2024: Whats new in Android Development Tools

Google I/O 2024 brought a wave of excitement for Android developers with a plethora of new features and tools unveiled.…

2 months ago

How to install Crashlytics on Android?

Integrating Crashlytics with your Android app requires careful attention to detail. Whether you're transitioning from Fabric or starting fresh, these…

2 months ago

What is the use of Crashlytics in Android?

Integrating Crashlytics into your Android Studio project is a smart move for effortlessly managing app stability. This guide walks you…

2 months ago

Crashlytics Android: Get started with Firebase

Setting up Firebase Crashlytics in your Android app is crucial for comprehensive crash reporting. This guide walks you through the…

2 months ago

Jetpack Compose compiler moving to the Kotlin repository

Exciting news, developers! Kotlin 2.0 is shaking things up by bringing the Jetpack Compose compiler right into the Kotlin repository.…

2 months ago

Android Studio Jellyfish: Now with Stable Tentacles, Unveiling Gemini and More!

Dive into the latest advancements in Android development with the release of Android Studio Jellyfish 2023.3.1! From cutting-edge AI features…

2 months ago

Android 15: Features and APIs Overview

Discover the latest advancements in Android 15, offering developers an array of exciting features and APIs to amplify their creativity…

2 months ago

Unlocking the Potential of Android Apps: Exciting Trends and Innovations in 2024

In the ever-evolving Android app landscape of 2024, innovation takes center stage. From Artificial Intelligence and 5G technology to the…

3 months ago

Android Studio uses Gemini Pro to make Android development faster and easier

As part of our ongoing journey into the Gemini era, we are thrilled to announce the integration of Gemini 1.0…

3 months ago

Now In Android from Android Developers Blog: Google Android Developer

Welcome to the 100th installment of Now in Android, the continuous series aimed at keeping you updated on the latest…

4 months ago